Our upcoming events
All of our events are local to our project area in Nottingham, they are free and led by wild.NG volunteers. If you would like to host a local event for our local community, please do get in touch. You may have a specialism or skill to share and inspire.
Please ensure you reserve your free place (unless otherwise specified) by clicking on the event image.
We will continue to always host free events. If you wish to donate to support the delivery our events and local wildlife please click on the link below. 100% of your donation goes to our project and helping our local wildlife.

Spring Street Gardening
Join us for our spring street gardening in Sherwood on 6th April at 10:30am. Bring a love of wildlife and smiles, we’ll bring tips and cake.
TALK: Swift Street
Join us for a talk about our Swift Street project as part of Nottingham Organic Gardeners spring programme. free for NOGS members, £2 admission for non - members.

Swift Homecoming Parade
Join us for our annual Swift Homecoming Parade. Meet at Seely Primary School gate (Perry Road) for 1:30pm, bring smiles and banners to celebrate and speak up for our Swifts. Over 500 school pupils will be joining us on a parade from Seely to a local park. Don’t miss out on this incredible event.

Summer Pavement Gardening
Fancy a spot of pavement gardening this spring? Could you volunteer up to an hour of your time to help cut back or remove last years growth on your street? We hope you can join us as part of our Poison Free Pavements campaign. We welcome you and your neighbours to join us and register your interest and street here.

Bat Evening: Micro Talk and Detecting
Join wild.NG for a great evening of bat discovery and detecting at Blackwoods, Nottingham

Meet the Neighbours: Elderberry
Join us for a relaxed event to get more familiar with the wonderful Elder tree. We will meet at Windmill Community Gardens to share stories about Elder - including its value to wildlife, folklore, and human uses such as food and medicine. We’ll taste elderberry produce together, and have a go at some hands-on activities.

JULY: Wildflower Graffiti Tour
Join us with your chalk to discover and celebrate the wildflowers on our pavements. Led by botanical enthusiasts Tim and Karen, this event is FREE and suitable for all ages and interests.
JUNE: Wildflower Graffiti Tour
Wildflower graffiti Tour in Nottingham. Join our experts Tim and Karen for what promises to be a joyous event. FREE to attend and suitable for all ages.

Swift Homecoming Parade
Join what promises to be a very exciting and joyous event this May. Don’t forget to bring your banners and placards with you.

Giant Swift Puppet Making
Join our wild clan for some very creative swift inspired making at this fab community event in New Basford. It promises to be wild.

Meet the Neighbours: May Blossom
Join us for a relaxed event to get more familiar with the remarkable Hawthorn (aka May Tree). We will meet on the evening of Mayday / Beltane to share stories about this familiar shrub - including its value to wildlife, folklore, and human uses such as food and medicine. We’ll taste hawthorn products together, and have a go at some hands-on activities.

Early Spring Pavement Gardening
Fancy a spot of pavement gardening this spring? Could you volunteer up to an hour of your time to help cut back or remove last years growth on your street? We hope you can join us as part of our Poison Free Pavements campaign. We welcome you and your neighbours to join us and register your interest and street here.

Meet the neighbours: Stinging Nettles
Join us for a relaxed event to get familiar with the amazing Stinging Nettle, including hands on activities.

Swift Homecoming Parade
Join us for our first ever Swift Homecoming Parade in Nottingham. This short community walk will take place in Carrington and we are delighted to be joined by pupils and community from Claremont Primary School. Please bring smiles and placards!

Pavement Botany Walk
We will be holding the first of this season's pavement botany walks on Tuesday 16th. Join us as we examine the often-overlooked wildflowers that colonise our streets, and chalk their names to celebrate them and help others notice them.
There will also be an opportunity to find out more about our #poisonfreepavements campaign.
All welcome - an ideal event to bring kids too

Close to the HedgeHOG PROJECT launch
A wild and exciting wild.NG launch webinar all about helping our urban hedgehogs, with some very special and inspiring guests. All ages and interests welcome

Wildlife Champions Walk: Team Toadflax
Join wild.ng members and other local Wildlife Champions for an end-of-season walk around each of our Poison Free Pavements pilot areas.
Meeting point: St John’s Church garden, Loscoe Road.

Wildlife Champions Walk: Team Foxglove
Join wild.ng members and other local Wildlife Champions for an end-of-season walk around each of our Poison Free Pavements pilot areas.
Meeting point: Corner of Watcombe Circus and Milner Road

Wildlife Champions Walk: Team Poppy
Join wild.ng members and other local Wildlife Champions for an end-of-season walk around each of our Poison Free Pavements pilot areas. Meeting point: Corner of Rufford Road and Victoria Road.

wild.NG Bat Detecting
Join our wild.NG bat experts Michael Walker and Lorna Griffiths to detect bat populations in our project area. They’ll be bringing with them bat detectors for you to tune into the frequencies of different urban bats and listen to the echolocation and hunting sounds.

Wildlife Champions Walk: Team Dandelion
Join wild.ng members and other local Wildlife Champions for an end-of-season walk around each of our Poison Free Pavements pilot areas. Meeting point: Winchester Street Car Park .
Swift Street Talk and Tour
Join wild.NG for this great event about our urban swifts and the project in our area. You will discover the fascinating wonder of this enigmatic superhero bird, its life cycle, migration and its nesting/breeding behaviour and observe local swifts in the area. Talk at St Johns followed by tour to view swifts in area.

July Street Wildflower Graffiti Tour
BLOOM! Join us for our ever popular wild event, identifying our street wildflowers and chalking our streets. Great for all ages and interests.

Meet the neighbours: Linden Trees
Join us for the first "Meet the Neighbours" event - getting to know our more-than-human neighbours in the city and and taking a deep dive into their histories, ecology, folklore and uses. Led by local artists and plant enthusiast Becky Beinart, with input from Nottingham City Tree Officer and local resident Alex Begg.

JUNE: Street Wildflower Graffiti Tour
BLOOM! Our monthly Street Wildflower Graffiti Tour is back this June. Join us for a great session chalking our streets labelling our street wildflowers. Great for all ages, families and interests.

Wild Welcome Event - Wildlife Champions
Our first informal welcome event (online) for our 100+ Wildlife Champions across our community. We will introduce our project, get to know each other offer top tips and have a Q & A. It will be wild!
Pavement Wildflower Graffiti Tour
With chalk at the ready we will be touring our community in search of wildflowers. A wonderful free event for all ages and interests.

Bat Walk
Join wild.NG for this late summer dusk walk to tune into the echolocation of our urban bats. Equipped with our hand held bat detectors, this event will be packed with important and fascinating bat facts led by our local bat experts. Suitable for all ages and families, join us at Woodthorpe Park for this great event, and discover how we can all help to improve our urban bat populations.
This event is free. However, we we welcome an optional donation of £3 per person, which will go directly to making and installing bat boxes in the wild.NG area.
Please book early to avoid disappointment.

Pavement Wildflower Graffiti Tour
Back due to popular demand! We hope you can join us for this great pavement wildflower graffiti tour. It’s free and suitable for all ages and interests. Families welcome

Urban Tree Tour
Walking the streets of Nottingham to discover the wonder and beauty of our urban trees, and importantly learn about canopy cover, the challenges facing our street trees and how as a community we can help take care of our local trees.

Our wild.NG Streets
Join the wild.NG team for an inspiring event to create more wilder streets where we live. A neighbourhood level event, we will be hosting talks and encouraging new ideas and connecting together as a community to make a real difference.

Art in the Garden
Join Michelle Reader, artist and member of wild.NG for innovative creative activities to create pollinator-inspired sculptural plant markers from found materials. Visitors will also get to see her spectacular wildlife-inspired sculptures made from waste alongside the art of many other artists as part of a creative day at Windmill Community Gardens. No need to book.