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Close to the HedgeHOG PROJECT launch

Welcome to the online launch our wild.NG’s Hedgehog project 'close to the edge'

Our free online event has a number of inspiring invited guests including Grace Johnson, the Hedgehog Officer for the Peoples Trust for Endangered Species (PTES) who will be introducing us to the fascinating world of hedgehogs – their ecology and the threats to their survival.

Grace will be providing a toolkit of useful tips and advice on how we can make our residential and urban neighbourhoods more hedgehog-friendly.

Joining us also will be representatives from two inspiring local projects – Wild Things Keyworth and Hedgepigs. They will share with us what makes their projects so successful.

As this is the start of our new project in Nottingham, Lorna and Michelle will also be sharing our wild.NG plans in our project area and how you can get involved.

It's going to be wild!

All ages and interests welcome.

September 4

Wildlife Champions Walk: Team Toadflax

May 16

Pavement Botany Walk